See the attached flyer for our very own Mrs. Spriggs Halloween Display today!

Parents and Guardians of Intermediate School students,
This is just a reminder about our Halloween parade on Thursday at 2pm. You can click the link included regarding our CIS Student Parade for Halloween!

Congratulations to the September and October 6th Grade Students of the Month Keegan and Raegan!

The Cheboygan Public Library is hosting Grandmother Moon Drummers this Sunday, October 27, November 10 and November 24 from 1:00-3:00! See the attached flyer for more details.

Take a look at this years sturgeon in Mrs. Douglas' classroom. This is Mrs. Douglas' 11th year with the Sturgeon for Tomorrow program. She is 1 of only 2 of the original teachers to have the program in her classroom.

Parents and Guardians of Intermediate School students, please click the link included regarding our CIS Student Parade for Halloween.

We want to see how you're celebrating Homecoming! Snap some photos from this week’s activities or any events this weekend and send them to spiritstick@chebschools.com. Include your child’s school name in the subject line (for example, if you submit parade or game photos for East, East gets the points!). GO CHIEFS!

Blankets have arrived (again)! We will be holding another pick up in the CIS cafeteria on Thursday, October 17th from 3:00PM-4:30PM. If your child only ordered one blanket or you have already made arrangements with PAC, those orders will still be sent home. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we figured this out! We appreciate your support!

Is your child part of an Native American tribe? Help us secure additional funding by completing the Title VI student paperwork. This will allow us to bring more resources and opportunities to our district. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j5BcXYxh7ih1JkYdSC5FWYRR-vfyDrpE/view?usp=sharing

7th and 8th grade Boys Basketball tryouts will begin Monday October 21 from 3:00-4:30 at the Middle School. Athletes must have a current physical to participate. Practice will be Monday through Friday. Any questions please call CMS at 231-627-7103.

Take a look at the flyer for a youth basketball camp for boys in grades 1-6!

Take a look at the flyer for a youth basketball camp for girls in grades 1-6!

Get Ready to Be Inspired by CAS Spirit! Homecoming Week kicks off next week—Let’s Make it Legendary! GO CHIEFS!! Check out all the exciting events happening this week: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O96ZIhM5X9l6_MiUaC0bZo3vC_f4kQgG/view?usp=sharing

Six graders in Mr. Burys PE class enjoying the weather getting ready for disc golf!

This is just a reminder about our Title I Parent Night for tonight at 5:00 PM at Cheboygan Intermediate School Library. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our Title I programming. We hope to see you there!

Middle School students had the opportunity to watch a documentary on Sea Lampreys in our Great Lakes at the Opera House today!

Parents and Guardians,
I know many of you are getting ready for Halloween and purchasing costumes. Please remember that costumes that will be worn at school cannot include weapons, gore, face/hair paint, and/or makeup. I will send more details out at a later date on additional Halloween expectations. Thank you!

We would like to invite you to join us for the Title VI meeting on Tuesday, October 15th, at 6:00 PM in the Cheboygan Intermediate/Middle School Library. Title VI is an Indian Education grant that our district receives to provide academic support and promote cultural awareness/education.

6th grade students had a great time using a variety of models to study the movement of water in Mrs. Hayden's class!

You're invited to our Title I Parent Night October 10 at 5:00 PM at Cheboygan Intermediate School Library. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our Title I programming. Click the link below for more details.