Sunday Soup

Good Sunday Evening,

Congratulations Class of 2024!

Congratulations to our senior class as they near the end of their journey at Cheboygan Area Schools.  Although this may seem like the end, it is truly just the beginning.  I hope we served you well this year and that you feel prepared to move on to bigger and better challenges.  The future is opening up for you and you have the power to shape it into whatever form you desire.  I wish you the best of luck and don’t forget, “Once a Chief, Always a Chief”!

Reminders, the graduation ceremony will be held on Friday, May 24th, starting at 7 pm in the HS gym.  The traditional graduation parade will start at 5 pm, traveling from Downtown Mainstreet to the HS. 

Town Hall Meeting

This past Thursday, the BOE approved the Referendum Resolution for the August 6th, 2024, Election and set the Town Hall information Event for this Wednesday at 6 pm, in the HS Auditorium.  The referendum comprises of three priorities:

  1. Addressing facility needs at East Elementary.

  2. Upgrading aged infrastructure within the entire district.

  3. Implementing important projects that prioritize safety, accessibility, and enhance the environment of students, staff, and visitors at our schools.

This proposal is a zero-mill tax increase so your tax bill will NOT increase, it will remain the same, however, the passing of this referendum will allow the school district to renew our current depleting bond fund which will allow us to continue to maintain and create the best environment possible for our students and your children.  

From this point forward, the school district will be posting updated referendum information at this site to keep you as well informed as we can so you have the facts:

Congratulations CTE Students and Teachers!

I had the good fortune to be able to attend the MITES State Convention and Competition this past Friday.  (Michigan Industrial & Technology Education Society) As many of you already know, we have one of the very best CTE programs in northern Michigan attracting parents and students from all over the northern areas.  And, it was wonderful to see our students’ projects on display and their proud faces knowing they had completed a job well done.  Cheboygan HS continues to offer our students some of the best opportunities and experiences to match their interests and abilities in northern Michigan. 

I would also like to congratulate my son, Brock, who took 1st Place for his wood shop project at MITES.  And, Mr. Munger, his teacher for helping and guiding Brock through the learning process to put him in a position to experience success.  It is an experience he will keep for a lifetime. 

First EMC Cohort – 2024

It’s official, our first cohort of sophomore EMC students are registered and ready to go.  We have 28 sophomore students who have signed up and committed to the EMC program starting this summer.  What does that mean?  These students will have the potential to earn an Associates Degree at no cost starting this summer.  The first cohort will begin their journey by taking “College 101” this summer.  College 101 is a one-week class, the first week of August, that will be taught by our EMC Coordinator, Eric Hall.  This class is designed to teach our young sophomores/juniors the skills necessary to be a successful college dual-credit student.

After taking 101 this summer, they will have the opportunity to take 6 dual credit classes each semester in their junior and senior years.  And, they will have the option of attending either ACC or NCMC for a 5th year at no cost.  At the end of their 5th year, they have the possibility of earning a CTE Certificate, and/or Associates Degree, or possibly both.  Please contact Mr. Eric Hall if you have any questions and good luck EMC students!

Mr. Hall can be reached @

Summer Work Plans

As many of you know, we have another busy summer planned to improve our facilities.  As soon as school ends this school year, June 7th, 2024, work on replacing our HS bleachers will begin.  This project will take all of June and July so the HS gym will be off-limits this summer.  However, when students return to school in 2024, they will have beautiful, new bleachers to return to and have for all of our events in 24-25 school year and beyond!

Also, we recently had 13 construction companies walk our next project site to prepare to bid for this work on Friday, May 17th.  These summer project plans will be to address the HS Science Labs (started pre-Covid but not completed) and renovate our PE/Athletic Lockers Rooms that have Title IX concerns that need to be addressed.   

Book Study – “Drive” by Daniel H. Pink:

Chapter 6 Discussion Questions were sent out last week.  This will be our last chapter so once you have completed your D&Q’s for Chapter 6, we will plan our last face-to-face meeting soon.  We are looking at next week, possibly May 22nd, in the MS Library at 3:30.  Please let me know if this tentative date works for you.  Don’t forget to make a post in our Chat Room and also make a comment on someone else’s post for each chapter. 

Bootcamp/Healthy Lifestyle Update:

I am finally feeling better and ready to get back to work this week.  I want to thank those workout partners who have been checking up on me to make sure I do not lose my motivation.  Your encouragement has helped tremendously and this is a NEW week full of new chances to get better.  Small changes today make an impact that will last forever.  Remember, “The day you realize you will not live forever, is the day you realize you would like to leave this place better than you found it.”, Spencer S. Byrd.

Week @ Glance:

Monday – 13th    

  • 9:00 – Meeting @ HS

Tuesday – 14th   

  • 6:00 – Bootcamp

  • 9:00 – BP Meeting in BR

  • 10:00 – Finance Committee Meeting in BR

  • 3:45 – Curriculum Committee Meeting in BR

Wednesday – 15th        

  • 8:00 - Leadership Cheboygan – Environment Day

  • 6:00 – Town Hall Meeting in HS Auditorium

Thursday – 16th

  • 6:00 - Bootcamp

Friday – 17th

  • 10:30 – Zoom meeting with MASA Mentor

  • 1:00 – Summer Projects Bids in BR

Thank you for your time and support, it is greatly appreciated.

Spencer S. Byrd, Ed.S, CSBO – CAS Superintendent

Quote for the Week: “The Happiness of your life depends on the Quality of your Thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius  

Important Future Dates:

  • May 20 – Monthly School Board Meeting

  • May 27 – No School – Memorial Day

  • June 6-7 – Half Days for Student Exams – Work Days for Teachers

  • June 8 – Summer Break Begins! 

    • Summer School opportunities Begin! 

      • What are you doing to get BETTER this Summer?